Ideal course of study

Structure of the programme
- Compulsory modules Interdisciplinary Studies: basic module Approaches to Atlantic Studies; basic module Research Debates; research learning module; practical module (internship with an international focus in Germany or abroad, semester abroad at an African, Latin American/Caribbean, Canadian or US-American, European university with an Atlantic/global focus; participation in a research project), Master's thesis
- Compulsory modules in History: basic module on approaches to Atlantic Studies; theory and historiographical concepts of history, theories tested in practice; practical module, Master's thesis
- Compulsory elective modules for both VT specialisations: Globalisation, locality and transcultural spaces; inequality, domination, difference; social, religious and cultural movements; processes of violence and conflict regulation; cultural anthropology
Course programme
The current course catalogue of the Master's degree programme Atlantic Studies/ History, Culture and Society can be found under the following link.
The research colloquium is a compulsory course of the basic module "Research Debates" in the specialisation Interdisciplinary Studies. It must be attended for at least one semester.
However, it is strongly recommended that you attend this course for the entire duration of the Master's degree programme, with the exception of the period spent abroad, as this is the central discussion forum of the Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies, to which speakers from Germany and abroad are invited.
The Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies provides information on the current programme:
Students of the specialization “Interdisciplinary Studies” of the Master Atlantic Studies/ History, Culture and Society have the opportunity to attend courses in ethnology at the University of Göttingen as part of a teaching cooperation and to have them credited in the compulsory elective area.
The open courses offered by the University of Göttingen (SoSe 2024) can be found here.