The History Department is linked to more than 20 European universities as part of the ERASMUS exchange programme and offers history students the opportunity to study abroad for one or two semesters.
The coordinator responsible for this exchange programme is Prof. Dr. Brigitte Reinwald. Prof. Reinwalds weekly consultation hours for ERASMUS matters, as well as her contact details, can be found in the directory of persons.
Once per semester, Prof. Reinwald offers an information event addressing students of all degree programmes (BA, Masters in History, Master teaching at grammar schools, MA Atlantic Studies). The respective date will be announced both in the annotated course catalogue and on the notice board at the History Department.
For those interested in the exchange programme, for ERASMUS students from Hannover and incoming students from our European partner universities, Leon Klatt is available to provide qualified advice. He himself went abroad as an ERASMUS student. If you would like to schedule an meeting with Mr. Klatt, please contact him at:
Exchange Coordination

30167 Hannover

30167 Hannover
