Leibniz Universität
Historisches Seminar
Im Moore 21
30167 Hannover

30167 Hannover
until 06.04.2025: Wed. 10:00 - 11:00
from 07.04.2025: Mon. 10:00 - 11:00
from 07.04.2025: Wed. 10:00 - 11:00
from 07.04.2025: Thu. 14:00 - 15:00
and by appointment

Scheinausgabe nur in den Sprechzeiten
30167 Hannover
Web Editing
30167 Hannover
Public Transport
Subway connection after arriving in Hannover central station: 5 minute walk to subway station ‘Kröpcke’, subway line 4 (Garbsen) or subway line 5 (Stöcken) to station ‘Leibniz Universität’, ca. 5 minute walk to History Department.
From all other directions: subway lines 4 or 5 until station ‘Leibniz Universität’.
Bus connection after arriving in Hannover central station: 5 minute walk to bus station ‘Kröpcke’, bus line 100/200 to bus stop ‘Linlienstraße’, ca. 5 minute walk to History Department.
From all other directions: bus lines 100 or 200 until bus stop ‘Linlienstraße’.
Schedules for busses and subway trains in Hannover can be found here.
Via long-distance traffic the History Department is best reached via the A2 motorway. Exit the A2 at the junction ‘Hannover-Herrenhausen‘ and continue on the main road 6 (B6) in the direction of Hannover. After about 7 km take a left onto the Bremer Damm. At the next traffic light (Königsworther Platz) take a left onto the Nienburger Straße and shortly after take a right onto the Wilhelm-Busch-Straße. After about 400 meters take a left onto Im Moore. After about 200 meters you reached the History Department on the left side of the road.