In Hannover, contemporary history is viewed as a historical period that not only covers the "epoch of witnesses", which is usually understood as contemporary history, but also as an epoch that includes the "long 20th century", from the beginning of High Modernism around 1880/90 to around 2000/2020.
Research projects on German and European contemporary history
Concretizing the hypothetical. Pandemic Preparedness since the 1990s - Historical, Ethical and Legal Conditions of Corona Management.In the 1980s, the "age of immunity" (Thießen) was coming to an end. As the flip side of a new phase of globalization, the perception of pandemic viruses as a threat to health, economy, and security increased in importance. The fight against epidemics, as has been demonstrated many times historically, has never been exclusively medical and hygienic, but has also always had - more or less far-reaching - political, social, economic, ethical and legal consequences.Team:Year: 2021Funding: Interdisziplinäres Projekt (DFG)
The Assets of the High Nobility: The House of Hanover 1913-1953Using the example of a branch of the Guelph family, namely the House of Hanover, which ruled until 1918, this doctoral project examines how - on what material basis and with what social and, in the broadest sense, cultural strategies - this dynasty of high nobility succeeded in socially asserting itself in three different political systems after the fall of the monarchy and the loss of legal and social privileges and large parts of its fortune.Team:Year: 2019Funding: DFG
Completed research projects on German and European contemporary history
"A 'société des eprits'"? The intellectual cooperation within the framework of the League of NationsHabilitation thesis, HannoverLed by: Jonathan VogesYear: 2021
The Nazi Business of GuelphStudent project with financial and logistical support from the House of Hanover and the Lower Saxony State Archives.Led by: Cornelia RauhYear: 2020
Midwives in the "biopolitical laboratory" of the "Reichsgau Wartheland". Midwifery between privacy and state interventionDuring the project period from June 1, 2014 to November 30, 2016, German and Polish midwives were examined as actors with their own specific options, motives, and logics of action. Midwives worked as experts in the female-occupied and at the same time politically highly charged field of action of birth and reproduction in the Reichsgau Wartheland. The overarching Germanization and biopolitical goal of creating a powerful extended Volksgemeinschaft and at the same time breaking the biological power of the Polish population determined obstetrics and midwifery.Led by: Wiebke LisnerYear: 2019Funding: DFG-Postdoc-Projekt
Entrepreneurs and migrants from the Russian Empire - the Kahan oil wholesalers (1850-1950)With the publication of her family biography entitled "The Kahans from Baku" in 2018 by Wallstein-Verlag Göttingen, Apl. Prof. Verena Dohrn has completed the project after several years of research funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation.Led by: Verena DohrnYear: 2018
The City, Money and the Market. Real Estate Speculation in the Federal Republic 1960-1985 (= Studies in Contemporary History 89)The current debate about sharply rising land prices and rents finds its historical foundation in this study: The book shows how intensively the same problem was argued about in the Federal Republic as early as after 1960. The culprits were profit-hungry "speculators" who were accused of immoral business methods. Using numerous case studies - from Frankfurt am Main, Munich, Hamburg, Cologne and West Berlin - Karl Christian Führer examines both the concrete events on the markets for land and housing and the numerous protests against "speculation" with real estate, for example through squatting, up to 1985.Led by: Karl Christian FührerYear: 2016
The Klosterkammer under National SocialismVolume of essays and sources edited by Apl. Prof. Schmiechen-Ackermann.Led by: apl. Prof. Dr. Detlef Schmiechen-AckermannTeam:Year: 2015Funding: Volkswagen Foundation, Klosterkammer HanoverDuration: 12/2015 - 11/2018
History of Siemens AG 1966-2011Project commissioned by Siemens AG, which resulted in an 840-page paper in 2014 that the company prevented from appearing.Led by: Cornelia Rauh, Prof. Dr. Hartmut Berghoff, University of GöttingenYear: 2014
Gewerkschaftsmacht und ihre Grenzen. The ÖTV and its Chairman Heinz Kluncker 1964-1982, Bielefeld 2017.Monograph published by Transcript-Verlag.Team:Year: 2014Funding: Hans-Böckler-Foundation
The Emergence of Modern Agribusiness. Meat Production, Meat Marketing and Meat Consumption in the Federal Republic of Germany 1950-1994.The project examines the causes, course and effects of structural change in West German agriculture in the second half of the 20th century, using meat production, marketing and consumption as examples.Led by: Karl Christian FührerYear: 2013Funding: DFG
Completed dissertations
Karen Holtmann
Zwischen Politisierung und Entpolitisierung: Wahrnehmungen, Zuschreibungen und (Selbst)Deutungen von Frauen und Männern in Hochverratsprozessen vor dem nationalsozialistischen Volksgerichtshof am Beispiel der Saefkow-Jacob-Bästlein-Gruppe. Diss. 2008, veröffentlicht 2010 im Ferdinand Schöningh-Verlag unter dem Titel: Die Saefkow-Jacob-Bästlein-Gruppe vor dem Volksgerichtshof. Die Hochverratsverfahren gegen die Frauen und Männer der Berliner Widerstandsorganisation 1944-1945.
Nach der Promotion: Wissenschaftliche Koordinatorin an der Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology.
Achim Eberspächer
Das Projekt Futurologie. Aufstieg und Fall eines Produkts des naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Fortschritts in der BRD der 1960er- und 1970er-Jahre, Diss. 2014. Förderung: Gerda Henkel Stiftung, Robert Jungk-Stipendium der Stadt Salzburg erscheint 2018 im Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh unter dem Titel: Das Projekt Futurologie. Über Zukunft und Fortschritt in der Bundesrepublik 1952-1982, Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh-Verlag.
Nach der Promotion: Wissenschaftlicher Referent im Projekt "Energiesysteme der Zukunft" der deutschen Wissenschaftsakademien, Berlin
Jonathan Voges
Die Do it yourself-Bewegung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in sozial-, konsum- und unternehmensgeschichtlicher Perspektive, Diss. 2016. Förderung: Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. Nach der Promotion: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Arbeitsbereich Deutsche und Europäische Zeitgeschichte des Historischen Seminars der Leibniz-Universität. Details
Nils Fehlhaber
Der Achse entgegenarbeiten´. Besuchsaustausch zwischen Nationalsozialismus und Faschismus 1933-1943, Diss. 2016.
Nach der Promotion: Unternehmensarchivs der Continental AG, Hannover.
Nina Ziesemer
Denkmalbestand im Wandel-Ostberliner Baudenkmäler nach 1989 Förderung: Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit, Diss. 2016.
Nach der Promotion: "Seit August 2016 ist Nina Ziesemer Volontärin beim Bundesbeauftragten für die Unterlagen des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen Deutschen Demokratischen Republik in Berlin (BStU). Sie wird dort alternierend in den Bereichen Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit sowie Ausstellungsorganisation tätig sein. Externer Teil ihres Volontariats ist zudem eine Fortbildung an der Deutschen Presseakademie."
Benedikt Tondera
Der sowjetische Auslandstourismus in die "kapitalistischen Länder" des Westens und die "sozialistischen Bruderstaaten" von 1953-1982 Förderung: Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Nach der Promotion: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter des von der DFG geförderten Projekts "Im Dienste des Zaren" am Historischen Seminar der Universität Bamberg, seit 2018 der Universität Oldenburg.
Martin Stief
Wirtschafts- und Umweltgeschichte der DDR am Beispiel der Chemie-Industrie am Standort Bitterfeld. Förderung: durch Projektstelle der Behörde des Bundesbeauftragten für die Stasi-Unterlagen (BStU)