Publikationsliste von Berit Hildebrandt


Der Kaiser neue Kleider. Gebrauch, Herstellung und Handel von Seide vom Prinzipat bis zur Spätantike (German Habilitation, accepted for publication by Steiner Verlag, in preparation, ca. 300 pp.)

Damos und Basileus. Überlegungen zu Sozialstrukturen in den Dunklen Jahrhunderten Griechenlands [Damos and Basileus. A Study of Social Structures in Dark Age Greece], München 2007 (= Ph.D. thesis Göttingen 2005), 562 pp., 39 tab.

Zur Bedeutung und Funktion der Lekythos im Grabkult im 5. Jh. v. Chr. [Meaning and Function of Lekythoi in Classical Athenian Funerary Cult]. Unpublished M. A. thesis Göttingen 1999 / accessible at the Archaeological Institute at Göttingen University, 195 pp. with additional tables and plates.

Edited Volumes:

Ed., with C. Gillis, Silk: Trade and Exchange along the Silk Roads between Rome and China in Antiquity, Ancient Textile Series 29, Oxford, 130 pp.

Ed. (with co-editor C. Veit): Der Wert der Dinge. Güter im Prestigediskurs [The Value of Things. Goods in Prestige Discourses], Münchner Studien zur Alten Welt 6, München 2009, 407 pp.


Shamir O., Hildebrandt B., Galili R., Shamir N. & Bar-Oz G., Trash or Cache? The Textile Evidence from the Nahal ‘Omer Middens as an Indicator of Early Islamic Period Trade Networks along Israel’s Silk Road, In: Hoard Typology, Function and Purpose in Ancient Societies, Atiqot 112/2023, 175-200. 

B. Hildebrandt, Orit Shamir, Roy Galili, Nofar Shamir, Guy Bar Oz, Networks of trade and exchange along the Israeli Silk Road: the silk and cotton finds from Nahal Omer, Negev Desert, in: Antiquity 97/393, 2023,

The Terminology of Silks in Texts of the Roman Empire: Qualities, Origins, Products, and Uses, in: Acta Via Serica, vol. 6/2, 2021, 117-140

Vulgäre Imitatoren oder Trendsetter? Antike und moderne Diskurse um den Luxus der Freigelassenen [Vulgar imitators or trendsetters? Ancient and modern discourses about Roman freedmen’s conspicuous consumption], in: Elisabetta Lupi – Jonathan Voges (eds.), Luxus – nur Protz und Prunk? Zur Globalgeschichte des Luxus von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart [Luxury – just show and pomp? A global history of luxury from Antiquity until the present]. Proceedings of a Conference in Hannover, 13.02.-15.02.2020, Stuttgart 2022, 103-125.

Christian Discourses about Silks in Antiquity, in: Xinru Liu (ed.), with Pia Brancaccio, The World of the Silk Road, World Series Routledge 2022, 513-525.

Roman Silk Trade and Markets, in: Xinru Liu – Pia Brancaccio (eds.), The World of the Silk Road, World Series Routledge 2022, 499-512.

The possible role of captives and slaves in cultural exchanges between the West and India in the first centuries CE: A case study of textile production and trade, in: Anamika Pathak et al. (eds.), Festschrift for Lotika Varadarajan, New Delhi (in print).

Von der Gabe zur Entlohnung. Kleidung als kaiserliches Geschenk in Rom, in: B. Wagner-Hasel – M.-L. Nosch (eds.), Gaben, Waren und Tribute: Stoffkreisläufe und antike Textilökonomie, Akten eines Symposiums am 9./10. Juni 2016 in Hannover, Stuttgart 2019, 117-136.

with A. Skovmøller, Multi-Sensory Encounters: The Aesthetical Impact of Roman Coloured Statues, in: H. Hunter-Crawley – E. O’Brien (eds.), The Multi-Sensory Image. Proceedings of a Conference on „The Senses and Visual Culture from Antiquity to the Renaissance“, 08.-09.06.2015, University of Bristol, Taylor and Francis 2019, 46-67.

with I. Demant, Seamingly customized. Decorative elements on statuary depictions of the toga in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, in: M. Garcia-Sanchez - M. Gleba (eds.), Vetus Textrinum. Textiles in the Ancient World. Studies in Honour of Carmen Alfaro Giner, Barcelona 2018, 197-210.

India’s contribution to the wardrobes of the Roman elite and the emperors: Precious fabrics and stones, in: Y. Dhar - L. Varadarajan (ed.), „Textiles, Collections, Communities, Culture And Trade“, Contributions of a seminar held from 9.-10.01.2016 at the K R Cama Oriental Institute, Mumbai, ca. 19 pp. (in print).

with P. Flemestad, M. Harlow and M.-L. Nosch, Observations on the Terminology of Textile Tools in Diocletian’s Edict on Maximum Prices, in: S. Gaspa – C. Michel – M. L. Nosch (eds.), Textile Terminologies from the Orient to the Mediterranean and Europe, 1000 BC to 1000 AD, Lincoln/Nebraska 2017, 256-277.

Introduction: Silk on the Silk Roads. Exchange between East and West in Antiquity, in: B. Hildebrandt (ed.), with C. Gillis, Silk. Trade and Exchange along the Silk Roads between Rome and China in Antiquity, Ancient Textile Series 29, Oxford 2017, ix-xxi.

Silk production and trade in the Roman Empire, in: B. Hildebrandt (ed.), with C. Gillis, Silk. Trade and Exchange along the Silk Roads between Rome and China in Antiquity, Ancient Textile Series 29, Oxford 2017, 34-50.

Das Gewand des Honorius in der Dichtung Claudians, in: H. Harich-Schwarzbauer (ed.), Weben und Gewebe in der Antike. Materialität – Repräsentation – Episteme – Metapoetik, Proceedings of a Workshop held in Basle, August 2012, Oxford 2015, 67-85.

Seidenkleidung in der römischen Kaiserzeit [Silk Clothing in Roman Imperial Times] in: M. Tellenbach – R. Schulz – A. Wieczorek (eds.), „Die Macht der Toga. Dresscode im Römischen Weltreich“, Exhibition Catalogue Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, in cooperation with the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen Mannheim, 20.04.-08.09.2013, 58-61.

Some Thoughts on the Unravelling of Chinese Silks in the Roman Empire. A Reassessment of Lucan, Bellum Civile 10.141-143, in: I. Tzachili – E. Zimi (eds.), Textiles and Dress in the Roman East: A Technological and Social Approach, Proceedings of the Symposium held at Kalamata / Greece, 18.-19.03.2011, Athens 2012, 107-115.

Der Römer neue Kleider. Zur Einführung von Seide im kaiserzeitlichen Rom [The Romans’ New Clothes. The Introduction of Silk Clothing in Roman Imperial Times], in: G. A. Lehmann – D. Engster – A. Nuss (eds.), Von der bronzezeitlichen Geschichte zur modernen Antikenrezeption Vorträge aus dem Sommersemester 2008 und Wintersemester 2008/09. Syngramma. Vorträge aus dem Althistorischen Seminar Bd. 1, Göttingen 2012, 11-53.

Seide als Prestigegut in der Antike [Silk as a Prestige Item in Antiquity], in: B. Hildebrandt – C. Veit (eds.), Der Wert der Dinge. Güter im Prestigediskurs, München 2009, 183-239.

Einleitung [Introduction], in: B. Hildebrandt – C. Veit (eds.), Der Wert der Dinge. Güter im Prestigediskurs, München 2009, 1-22.

Entries in Compendia: 

"Verkleidung", in: Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum (RAC) (submitted)

with A. Paetz gen. Schieck, “Seide [Silk], in: Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum (RAC) vol. XXX, Stuttgart 2020, 200-211.

together with F. N. Schneider and G. Neunert, “Prestigegüter” [Prestige Goods], in: M. Eggert – S. Samida - H. P. Hahn (eds.), Metzler Handbuch Materielle Kultur. Bedeutungen, Konzepte, Disziplinen, Stuttgart - Weimar 2014, 237-240.

Popular Science Articles:

Christian Topography, in: S. Whitfield (Hrsg.), Silk Roads: Peoples, Cultures, Landscapes, Thames and Hudson 2019, 30-31 (with further editions in German (WBG), Italian (Einaudi), French (Flammarion), Korean (Cum Libro), Spanish (Art Blume/Naturart), Finnish (Tammi).

Optrevling af Kleopatras hemmelighed [Unraveling Cleopatra’s Secret], in: Sfinx 35/1, 2012, 24-27 (see also

Zahnheilkunde in der Antike [Dentistry in Antiquity], in: Gymnasium am Kaiserdom Speyer (ed.), Chronik Schuljahr 2005/06, Speyer 2006, 6-33.

Electronic Publications:

Mykenologie [Mycenology], Lernwerkstatt des Historischen Seminars der Universität Hannover [E-Learning Resources of the Department of History, University of Hannover]

with J. Hüsgen, D. Nielsen, B. Wagner-Hasel: Tutorium Alte Geschichte [Tutorial in Ancient History], Lernwerkstatt des Historischen Seminars der Universität Hannover [E-Learning Resources of the Department of History, University of Hannover].


zusammen mit Katrin Kania: Ergebnisse der Umfrage in der AG Didaktik zur transdisziplinären Vernetzung und Didaktik in der Textilarchäologie im Rahmen der DFG-Initiative NFDI4Objects (in Arbeit) 

Wool on the Silk Road. Research on the Eurasian Wool Textiles of Bronze to Early Iron Age. Proceedings of a Symposium in Hang Zhou, China, April 8 to 11, 2013, in: Archaeological Textiles Newsletter 55, 2013, 121-124.


Review of: J. B. Meister, Der Körper des Princeps. Zur Problematik eines monarchischen Körpers ohne Monarchie. Historia Einzelschriften 223, Stuttgart 2012. in: Museum Helveticum 71, 2014, 242-243.

Publications in the Field of Heritage Learning:

As the lead author with the project partners, LevelUp. Securing Quality in Managing Volunteers. Results from a survey and qualitative interviews with museum professionals in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland, co-funded by Nordplus Adult. 

As the lead author with the project partners, Reinventing Europeans through History, Art and Cultural Learning. Synthesis Report on the Learning Needs of Refugees in Greece, Italy, Norway, Slovenia and Sweden. Co-funded by ERASMUS+, with the project partners, Östersund 2017.

As contributor with the project partners and editors, The REHAC handbook, 2019.