PD Dr. Berit Hildebrandt

PD Dr. Berit Hildebrandt
PD Dr. Berit Hildebrandt
Member of Lecturing Staff
History Department

Schwerpunkte in Forschung und Lehre

  • Interkultureller Austausch entlang der Seidenstraßen (Intercultural Exchanges along the Silk Roads)

  • Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte der Alten Welt (Economic and Social History)

  • Geschlechtergeschichte (Gender History)




  • Beruflicher Werdegang

    seit April 2022: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Seminar für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Universität Göttingen, Projektkoordinatorin und Principal Investigator on the German side im Projekt "Revealing the Israeli Silk Road. Exploring networks of trade and exchange between East and West through textile finds from Nahal Omer, with a focus on silk and cotton", in Zusammenarbeit mit (together with) Prof. Guy Bar Oz, University of Haifa, und Dr. Orit Shamir, Israel Antiquities Authority, im Projekt "Revealing the Israeli Silk Road. Exploring networks of trade and exchange between East and West through textile finds from Nahal Omer, with a focus on silk and cotton"financially supported by the State of Lower Saxony, Hannover, Germany, in the framework of the research collaboration programme between Lower Saxony and Israel (“Niedersächsisches Vorab"). Webpage: https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/661282.html

    WiSe 2022/23: Professurvertretung in Alter Geschichte / visiting professor in Ancient History, Humboldt Universität Berlin.

    SoSe 2021 Professurvertretung in Alter Geschichte / visiting professor in Ancient History, Universität Bremen

    2019-2020: Lehrbeauftragte in Klassischer Archäologie / external lecturer in Classical Archaeology, SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen

    2018-2019: Fellow der Leadership Academy, German Scholar Organization

    Seit Januar 2018: Privatdozentin, Alte Geschichte, Universität Hannover / external lecturer, Department of History, Hannover University, Germany)

    January 2018: Habilitation in Alter Geschichte / German „Habilitation“ in Ancient History, Leibniz Universität Hannover

    2016-2019: Projektmanagerin und Forscherin / Project manager and researcher, Nordic Centre for Heritage Learning (related to Jamtli Museum), Östersund.

    2016: Gastforscherin und Lehrbeauftragte in Klassischer Archäologie / Guest Researcher and external lecturer in Classical Archaeology, SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen.

    2007 – 2015 (reguläres Ende des Zeitvertrages / regular end of non-permanent contract): Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Historischen Seminar der Leibniz Universität Hannover (Assistant Professor for Ancient History, University of Hannover, Department of History)

    2013 – 2015 (beurlaubt an der Universität Hannover / on leave at University of Hannover): Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow / Associate Professor at the Danish National Research Foundations’ Centre for Textile Research, University of Copenhagen.

    2015    (May-July) Visiting scholar at the McDonald Institute for Archaeology, host: Dr. Margarita Gleba, University of Cambridge.

    2011 – 2012 (beurlaubt an der Universität Hannover / on leave at University of Hannover): Postdoctoral Fellow, Mahindra Humanities Center, Harvard University, funded by the VolkswagenFoundation.

    2011 (März – Juni / March-June, beurlaubt an der Universität Hannover / on leave at University of Hannover): Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Textile Research, University of Copenhagen.

    2005 –2007:  Postdoctoral Fellow, Graduiertenkolleg “Formen von Prestige in Kulturen des Altertums” Universität München ([DFG] (German Research Foundation-funded Graduate School “Forms of Prestige in Cultures of the Ancient World”. University of Munich).

    2005: Lehrbeauftragte (external lecturer) in Klassischer Archäologie / Classical Archaeology, University of Greifswald.

    2005/2008 PhD in Ancient History (2005: oral defense of thesis; January 2008: German PhD certificate after publication of thesis in 2007).

    1999 M.A. in Classical Archaeology, Ancient History, Media and Communication Studies at the Universities of Göttingen, Berlin (FU and HU) and Perugia.
