Vanessa Ohlraun, M.A.

30167 Hannover
from 07.04.2025: Thu. 12:00 - 13:00

until 06.04.2025: Please arrange an appointment
from 07.04.2025: Thu. 12:00 - 13:00
Research areas
- Colonial past in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Societies and cultures of the African diaspora in the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean
- Political concepts of representation and identity in postcolonial societies of the 20th century (especially Cuba and Indonesia)
- Critical Race Studies and decolonial approaches in cultural anthropology and history
- Decolonizing education
Current Resarch Project
I am currently working on an intellectual biography of African American anthropologist Ellen Irene Diggs, one of the first scholars to write on African-descendant culture in Latin America and the Caribbean. As a close collaborator of the African American sociologist W. E. B. Du Bois and a student of the Cuban anthropologist Fernando Ortiz, Diggs was an active contributor to the global exchange of ideas on issues of race and the history of Africa and the African diaspora. Having visited over 80 countries throughout her life, she was dedicated to the cause of Black internationalist solidarity. My project, entitled Ellen Irene Diggs – Travel, Racial Justice and Black Liberation from the 1940s-1980s, aims to trace her intellectual exchanges which propelled a transatlantic circulation of ideas on issues of race in the African diaspora. My essay on her formative years in Havana in the 1940s can be found here. A podcast episode on this can be found here.
Conference participation and talks
Curriculum Vitae
Academic education
2000 - Master of Arts in Cultural Anthropology, Art History and Gender Studies at Humboldt University and Free University, Berlin, Germany
1997-2000 - Graduate studies in Cultural Anthropology, Art History and Gender Studies at Humboldt University and Free University, Berlin, Germany
1996-1997 - Graduate studies in Cultural Anthropology, Art History and Gender Studies at University of Washington - Graduate College, Seattle, USA
Memberships and posts
Since 2023 - Member of the Society for Caribbean Research
Since 2021 - Member of the Caribbean Philosophical Association
Since 2021 - Member of the general advisory board of the Braunschweigische Stiftung
Since 2019 - Member of the administrative committee and representative of the management committee of the COST action "European Forum for Advanced Practices" within the framework of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology of the EU funding line Horizon 2020
From 2018-2023 - Member of the board of trustees of the Herzog August Library, Wolfenbüttel, Germany
From 2017-2021 - Member of the administrative board of the State Theatre Braunschweig, Germany
Since 2006 - Member of the International Council of Museums